be used as a source of starch. Natural starch generally still has several
disadvantages. One of method that can be done to overcome these
weaknesses is by modifying cross-linked starch. The objectives of this
study are: 1) to know the effect of STPP concentration on chemical and
physical characteristics of modified kimpul starch; 2) to know the effect of
soaking time on chemical and physical characteristics of modified kimpul
starch; 3) to determine the best combination treatment between STPP
concentration and soaking time on the chemical and physical
characteristics of modified kimpul starches. This is an experimental
research with Randomized Block Design. The factors studied were the
concentration of sodium trypolyphosphate (1, 2 and 3%) and soaking time
(60 and 90 minutes). The variables tested were moisture content, starch
content, amylose content and calcium oxalate content, brightness, swelling
power, sollubility and its amylographic properties. The results showed
that both STPP concentration factors and soaking time affected the
modified chemical and physical characteristics of kimpul starch
crosslinking methods. The chemical and physical characteristics of crossbonded modified kimpul starch increased with STPP concentration and
soaking time used. Modified kimpul starch using 3% STPP concentration
and 90 minutes soaking time had moisture content, starch content, amylose
content, calcium oxalate content, brightness and high swelling power. The
best modified kimpul starch is modified kimpul starch using 2% STPP
concentration and 60 minutes soaking time. It has a water content of
7,88%, starch content of 63,13%, amylose content of 17,28%, oxalate
content of 15,84 ppm, swelling power 15,79 g/g, sollubility 11,55%,
brightness of 44.13, initial gelatinization temperature of 78,75oC, peak
viscosity of 5152.5 cP, hot paste viscosity of 2310,4 cP, breakdown
viscosity of 2815 cP, setback viscosity of 1563 cP and cold paste viscosity
of 3873,5 cP
Full Text:
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