A Ita Juwita, Arnida Mustafa, Risna Tamrin


MOL (Mikro Organisme Lokal) is the result of local material decomposition with
fermentation method. MOL contains macro and micro nutrients and microbial decomposers.
The smaller coffee peel that will fermented, the faster MOL can be formed. To accelerate
decomposition in MOL solution, it can be added food source of bacteria such as coconut water
and brown sugar.
The purpose of this study was to study the process of making MOL from coffee peel, to
analyze the content of nitrogen, phosphor, and potassium of MOL of coffee peel and to
determine the effect of fermentation time on nitrogen, phosphor, and potassium contents of
MOL that resulted.
This study was conducted with 4 (four) treatments, week 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 1 factor and
using 2 times replicate. The parameter of testing used for making coffee peel as local
microorganism are MOL volume, nitrogen, phosphor and potassium contents.
The result of study showed that the highest mol volume obtained in week 4 of 8.5 ml and
the lowest in week 1 of 5 ml. They were obtained from 500 g coffee peel. Determination of
nitogen, phosphorus and potassium as a macro nutrients has been conducted. The result showed
that the highest nitrogen was found to be 0,0039% in week 1, 3 and 4 and the lowest in week 2
with percentage 0.034 %. Determine of phosphorus showed that the highest phosphor was
obtained in week 2 wtih percentage 0.033 % and the lowest in week 4 of 0.018%, and the result
of potassium analyze, the highest obtained in week 2 of 0.035 % and the lowest in week 4 of


coffee peel;fermentation;local microorganism;nitrogen;phosphor;potassium


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