Evaluation of drying time on thickness variations on the physical and sensory test of tortilla chips

Widya Puspantari, Dayu Dian Perwata Sari, Kokom Komariyah, Budiyanto Budiyanto, Donowati Tjokrokusumo


Tortilla chips have differences of thickness, some consumers like thick tortillas and others like thin tortillas. The thickness of the tortilla affects the drying process.  This research aimed to study the optimum drying time using cabinet drier  on tortilla chips, consisting of two thickness levels (2mm and 4mm), to produce crispy tortillas that consumers accepted. The drying was carried out using a cabinet dryer at a temperature of 50 0C with variations in drying time of 60, 90, and 120 minutes then fried using deep frying. Moisture and oil content, swelling power, color parameters, fracturability, calories, and sensory quality were analyzed. The results showed that the moisture content of drying ranged from 7,61 - 9,04% and 9,51 - 15,33% and, after frying, ranged from 1,38 - 2,04% and 1,02 - 1,71%, for 2 mm and 4 mm thickness, respectively. Oil content ranged from 9,06 – 12,11%. The brightness and fracturability of tortillas were significantly different, while the swelling power was not significantly different. A crispier tortilla was obtained at a drying time of 90 minutes, 651,30 g  and 767,00 g  for 2 mm and 4 mm, respectively. Tortilla calories ranged from 4635,54 – 4696,48 cal/g, while a commercial product was 5200 cal/g. The results of the sensory quality evaluation showed that consumers liked tortillas that were dried for 90 minutes with scores of color, texture, and overall acceptability were 3,97; 3,60; 3,76, and 3,72; 3,04; 3,10,  for 2mm and 4mm thickness, respectively. The results showed that the optimal drying time for tortilla chips with a thickness of 2 mm and 4 mm using a cabinet dryer at 500C was 90 minutes.


cabinet drier; drying time; fracturability; sensory quality evaluation; tortillas chip thickness

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