Analisis pengukuran kinerja green SCM menggunakan metode green SCOR berbasis ANP serta OMAX (studi kasus: industri makanan)

Dewi Cahyani Puspitasari, Farida Pulansari


The current industrial development is related to the existence of the SDGs, which is a global action agreed upon by world leaders related to environmental issues with the goal of sustainable development. This makes the government emphasize all industries implement environmentally friendly production processes. One of them is the application of green SCM in a series of production processes within a company. No exception PT. ABC, PT. ABC is a manufacturing company engaged in food manufacturing, where the liquid waste produced is still processed simply. Based on government policies related to the existence of SDGs, this study was carried out; this study aims to determine the company's level of green SCM performance. The method used in this study is the Green SCOR based on ANP and OMAX, while the weighting uses ANP and the scoring system uses OMAX. This study focuses on processing used cooking oil waste in food companies, which previous researchers have never done. Data processing uses five green SCOR models: plan, resource, make, deliver and return, and each model uses four green SCOR attributes: reliability, responsiveness, flexibility, and assets (environment. The data processing results are obtained from 30 KPIs, namely green KPI 53 ,3%, yellow KPI 13.3%, and red KPI 33.3%, with the overall performance level in red. Based on the results obtained, the company needs to immediately make improvements to the red KPI so that the achievement value at the green SCM performance level of PT. ABC increases


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