Perbaikan Komposisi Limbah Debu Tembakau sebagai Kompos
Pupuk organik penting karena sebagian besar lahan pertanian di Indonesia saat ini kekurangan bahan organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas produk pupuk alternatif (kompos berbasis debu tembakau) Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan dan mendukung keberlanjutan sistem produksi pertanian. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ekofisologi dan KP. Karangploso pada Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pemanis dan Serat mulai bulan Maret sampai November 2012. Larutan aktivator yang digunakan EM-4 200 mL + Molase 200 mL yang dilarutkan dalam 40 L air untuk 100 Kg bahan. Perlakuan berupa: (1) debu tembakau 50% + kapur 1.5% + kotoran sapi 41% + penggembur 2.5% + arang sekam 5%, (2) debu tembakau 25% + biomassa Tithonia 25%+ kapur 1,5% + kotoran sapi 41% + penggembur 2,5% + arang sekam 5%, (3) biomassa Tithonia 50% + kapur 1.5% + kotoran sapi 41% + penggembur 2.5% + arang sekam 5%. Pengamatan temperatur, setiap hari (pagi dan sore), pH seminggu sekali dan analisis hara makro dan mikro produk kompos. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan komposisi kompos debu tembakau dengan penambahan biomassa Tithonia dapat meningkatkan kadar hara P, Na, Ca, meningkatkan pH dan KTK serta menurunkan rasio C/N kompos disamping itu juga mempercepat proses pengomposan.
Kata kunci : debu tembakau, kompos, limbah, perbaikan komposisi
Organic fertilizer is important because most of the agricultural land in Indonesia is low of organic matter. This research aims to improve the quality of alternative fertilizer (compost-based tobacco dust). The results of this research are expected to reduce the pollution of the environment and support the sustainability of agricultural production systems. The experiment was conducted in the Ecophysiology Laboratory and Karangploso research station on Indonesian Sweeteners and Fiber Crops Research Institute from March to November 2012. Activator used EM-4 solution: 200 mL EM-4 + 200 mL molasses dissolved in 40 L of water to 100 kg of material. Treatment were: (1) 50% tobacco dust + 1.5% lime + 41% cow dung + 2.5% bulking + 5% charcoal, (2) 25% tobacco dust + 25% Tithonia biomass + 1.5% lime + 41% cow dung + 2.5% bulking + 5% charcoal, (3) 50% Tithonia biomass + 1.5% lime + 41% cow dung + 2.5% bulking + 5% charcoal. Observations: temperature, every day (morning and afternoon), pH once a week and analyzes of macro and micro nutrients of compost product. The results of this research were recomposition of compost of tobacco dust with the addition of Tithonia biomass can increase nutrient levels of P, Na, Ca, increase pH value and CEC and decrease the C/N ratio of compost, besides that it also speeds up the composting process.
Keywords: tobacco dust, compost, waste, recomposition
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