Simulacra (ISSN: 2622-6952, e-ISSN: 2656-8721) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal in sociology. Founded in 2018 in collaboration with the Indonesian Sociological Association (INASA) and the Association of Indonesian Sociology Study Programs (AISSP), Simulacra's primary mission is to publish original work of interest to the discipline of sociology, the development of new sociological theories, the results of sociological research that advances our understanding of the multifaceted postmodern world and important innovations in sociological research methods.
Simulacra is published twice a year (June and November) by the Center for Sociological Studies and Community Development (Pusat Studi Sosiologi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat - PS2PM), Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
Simulacra has been abstracted and indexed in these prominent abstracting and indexing services: DOAJ, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, Google Scholar, SINTA 2, Crossref, Dimensions, Worldcat, Harvard Library, University of Oxford Libraries, Universiteit Leiden, DRJI, Scilit MDPI, PKP Index, ROAD, BASE, Moraref, Columbia University Library, University of Sheffield Library, CORE.
Before submitting, please ensure that your manuscript is in line with the focus and scope of Simulacra, is written in English (American-English), follows the instructions in the Author Guidelines and uses the article template.
Simulacra Editorial Office
Center for Sociological Studies and Community Development
Building RKB-E, 1st Floor, Department of Sociology
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Jl. Raya Telang, Kamal - Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia 69162

Call for Papers: Simulacra, Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2025 |
Simulacra, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2025, will be published in June 2025. We are pleased to invite lecturers, researchers, students of social sciences and other related fields to submit their academic manuscripts, both textual and fieldwork studies, to this journal. The deadline for submission of articles: 30 May, 2025. |
Posted: 2022-06-21 | |
More Announcements... |
Vol 7, No 2 (2024): November
Table of Contents
Front Cover
Front Cover Simulacra, Volume 7, Issue 2, November 2024
Front Page
Front Page Simulacra, Volume 7, Issue 2, November 2024
N. Pautunthang
Stefani Nugroho
Awang Dharmawan, Tatak Setiadi, Ihsan Karli
Amos Oluwole Taiwo
Ambar Sari Dewi, B. J. Sujibto
Shinta Julianti, Fahlesa Munabari
Sasiana Gilar Apriantika, Muhamad Supraja, Fina Itriyati
Pulsie Epa, Suranjith Gunasekara
Diana Teresa Pakasi, Marini Purnamasari
Selfitriani Kulla, Zainal Abidin Bagir, Michael Stanford Northcott
Back Cover
Back Cover Simulacra, Volume 7, Issue 2, November 2024