Journal of Social, Culture, and Language is a scientific journal published by Jurusan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura which focused on Social, Culture, and Language. Journal of Social, Culture, and Language is available on online version (e-ISSN: 2961-9114), regularly published twice in a year, May and November. Journal of Social, Culture, and Language first published on Volume 1 Number 1, November 2022.
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Journal of Social, Culture, and Language indexed by :
Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Journal of Social, Culture, and Language
Table of Contents
Vanya Dwica Cicilia, Eka Susylowati, Fitriyatuz Zakiyah, Dea Kurnia Sandy
Dea Yuspita Sary, Dian Febriany Putri
Eka Susylowati, Meria Zakiyah Alfisuma, M. Masqotul Imam Romadlani, Zulkhaeriyah Zulkhaeriyah, Luthfi Awwalia
Vidya Nindhita, Afif Arifin
Nur Ilham Alamsyah, Masduki Masduki
Adelia Prameisty, Kuntum Chairum Ummah
Halimatus Sakdiyah, Masduki Masduki
Ari Astutik
Sri Hidayati, Achmad Syarifudin
Adjacency Pairs Analysis of Conversation Between Boy William and Choi Si-Won on Bw’s Youtube Channel
Siti Nurhaliza Adinda Arigama, Tri Pujiati
Darul Hikmah
Zannuba Arifah, Citra Ayu Kumala Sari
Kusmawaty Matara, Eka Apristian Pantu
Qurrotu Inayatil Maula
Klaudius Febrianto Ari Suseno, Indra Jaya Kusuma Wardhana
Dwi Prasetyo, Amanda Pasca Rini