The Representation of Syaikhona Kholil In Perca Caréta Dâri Madhurâ

Erfin Sugiono, Miftahur Roifah


The purpose of this study is to analyze the representation of Syaikhona Kholil in PERCA CARÉTA DÂRI MADHURÂ. The book is a collection of stories about figures who are believed to possess supernatural powers or virtues and who contribute to the development of society culturally and religiously. One of them is Syaikhona Kholil. Syaikhona Kholil's representation is analyzed using Freudian psychoanalytic theory to discover qualities inherent in him as a highly respected figure in Madura. In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the id is the biological component, the ego is the psychological component, while the superego is the social component. This research is based on qualitative description method. To collect data, the researcher read the book PERCA CARÉTA DÂRI MADHUR by Iqbal Nurul Azhar. The researcher read it repeatedly and then writes down certain points that are considered in accordance with the theory and sorts out these points to be discussed in more detail in the article. The results show that Syaikhona Kholil is a person with a strong desire to learn. He is also seen as a hard working and diligent person.

Keywords: Psychoanalysis; Folklore; Sigmund Freud; Syaikhona Kholil

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