Figurative Language Analysis On Movie Scripts House of Gucci

Tazkiyatul Wildaniyah, Darul Hikmah


Figurative language is a language with figure of speech used for comparison between different objects in an attempt to achieve literal language. This study aims to identify the types of figurative languages and find out the types of figurative languages that are most often used in movie scripts entitled "House of Gucci" directed by Ridley Scott using descriptive qualitative methods by Miles, Huberman, Saldana (2014). The theory used in analyzing data sources is the figurative language type theory of Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963). The data collection technique is carried out using documentation techniques with four stages; (1) identification; (2) Classification; (3) analysis; (4) description. From the analysis, 182 figurative language data were found in the script of the movie House of Gucci, consisting of 50% metaphor 19% hyperbole, 15% simile, 12% irony, and 4% personification. The conclusion stated that figurative language, is used in this movie script and most figurative types found is metaphor.

Keywords: Figurative language; Semantics; Movie scripts

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