Pengaruh Perendaman dalam Larutan Kapur dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Telur Asin

Sri Hastuti


The objective of the study was to learn the effect of lime duration and storage duration

on quality of salted egg. The research was a factorial experiment (2x4) using Randomized Block

Design with three replication. The first factor was preservation of two levels, i.e. : without

soaking in lime solution (P0) and with soaking in lime solution (P1). The second factor was

storage duration, i.e ; 0 (L1), 12 (L2), 24 (L3), and 36 (L4) days. The variable measured were the

microbial load, protein content and organoleptic properties, i.e : the colour, flavor, taste and

texture of salted egg. Data were subjected to analysis of variance followed by Duncan Multiple

Range Test (DMRT). The conclusion was that the interaction between soaking in lime solution

and storage duration had no different effect on protein content, microbial load, flavour and taste

but it had different effect on texture and colour of salted egg. The soaking in lime solution gave

a lower result of microbial load i.e : 6,55x107 cfu/g but the organoleptic quality on texture,

colour and flavour of salted egg gave a lower degree of preference score by panelist. It is

suggested to keep salted egg preserved with lime solution at room temperature not more than 24

days to produce good quality salted egg base on protein content, microbial load, flavor and taste.


lime solution;salted egg




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