Native Sago starch is difficult to used in industry because of the limitations of its phisycochemical properties. The aim of this research was to studied effect of UV-C photo-oxidation on physicochemical properties and baking expansion of sago starch. Five slurries ratio (starch : water ratio): 1:2; 1:4; 1:6; 1:8; and 1:10 were oxidized with UV-C irradiation for 20 minutes, and then compared with native sago starch. The results showed that UV-C photo-oxidation increasing amylose content and paste viscosity, but decreasing swelling power and solubility, and carbonyl and carboxyl content. Used of UV-C as a photooxidator effective to increasing baking expansion characteristic, and the best slurry ratio was 1:6, which has 6.97 ml/g specific volume or 33.7% increased from native sago starch (5.22 ml/g)
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