The intersection of religion and society: Inconsistencies in the practice of Catholicism among Filipinos
Religion, as an inherent part of individuals' identity, is intricately interwoven into the fabric of their lives, shaping their values, beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, and practices, and influencing their interactions within the broader societal context. With this, the study guided by a descriptive research design and a quantitative research approach aimed to investigate people’s perspectives towards selected practices that go against Catholicism in the Philippines being the only catholic country in Asia and the third largest in the world. A survey was conducted among Catholic Filipinos, and the results revealed that the majority do not adhere to all the teachings and beliefs of Catholicism. Despite being the dominant religion in the country, the practice has become selective. Most do not see cohabitation, extramarital sex, the punishment of death penalty for heinous crimes, and premarital sex as unfavorable, despite being sins in Catholicism. However, they had a negative perspective towards prostitution. The study also found that younger, male, and single individuals tend to be more accepting of cohabitation, premarital sex, and extramarital affairs. The study suggests that there is a need for the Catholic Church to reassess its teachings and find ways to better connect with the younger generation, while addressing the issue of selective adherence to its principles.
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