Gentrifying Yogyakarta through (online) culinary: Investigating youth practice and culinary space in @ke.jogja
Within contemporary contextualization, representation has transcended its traditional role as a mere reflection or symbol and has become a dynamic force that actively shapes and challenges material reality. This netnographic research outlines the dialogue between Instagram posts, as a contemporary mode of representation, and the construction of the material realm, as constituted by the youth demographic that predominantly engages with the social media platform. By examining the discursive investing framework, this research focuses on the use of Instagram by the popular culinary account @ke.jogja and its intersection with material development, specifically in the Yogyakarta region of Indonesia. Through Instagram's culinary posts, @ke.jogja is found to not only represent but also materially amplify the presence of youth-oriented culinary spaces, as it contributes significantly to the promotion and marketing of the aforementioned spaces. This symbolicto-material amplification emerges as a transformative force that significantly contributes to the phenomenon of culinary-based gentrification in the Yogyakarta region. The findings highlight the intricate relationship between Instagram culinary posts as symbolic and concrete material transformation in an urban landscape.
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