Kuantisasi sel darah putih melalui citra mikroskopis sel darah yang low-cost dan reliable masih menjadi tantangan pada banyak penelitian. Keragaman citra sel darah putihdapat mengurangi akurasi kuantisasi sel darah putih, khususnya keberadaan sel darah putih bertumpuk. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode baru dalam mengkuantisasi sel darah putih bertumpuk menggunakan analisis distance marker. Setiap objek mempunyai marker yang merupakan local maxima dalam distance transform map. Ketika dua objek bertumpuk, marker kedua objek tetap terbentuk dan terpisah. Informasi nilai jarak marker dapat digunakan sebagai pengkuantisasi objek sel darah putih bertumpuk. Metode analisis distance marker lebih robust terhadap bentuk dan ukuran objek sel darah putih dengan tingkat akurasi mencapai 94,1%.
Kata kunci :Analisis distance marker, Citra mikroskopis sel darah, Kuantisasi sel darah putihbertumpuk.
The low-cost and reliable white blood cells quantization through a microscopic image of blood cells still a challenge in many studies. the diversity of white blood cell microscopic images can decrease the accuracy of white blood cell quantization, particularly the presence of the overlapping white blood cells. This paper proposes a novel method to quantize the overlapping white blood cells using analysis distance marker.Each object has a marker which is a local maximum in the distance transform map. When two objects overlap, the marker of both objects is still formed and separate. The information of distance marker values can be used as the overlapping white blood cells quantization. In addition, the proposed method is robust to the shape and size of the white blood cell objects with the accuracy of 94.1%.
Keywords: Analysis distance marker, blood cell microscopic image, overlapping white blood cells quantization
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/simantec.v5i3.2384
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Copyright (c) 1970 Benny Afandi, Chastine Fatichah, Nanik Suciati
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