Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang dilaksanakan oleh semua sekolah di setiap jenjang. Di Kabupaten Bangkalan proses ini masih menggunakan cara manual dalam pelaksanaannya. Selama ini, calon siswa harus datang ke sekolah untuk melakukan pendaftaran. Setiap hari calon siswa harus mengecek apakah namanya tercantum dalam kuota penerimaan atau tidak. Apabila nama mereka tidak tercantum dalam kuota penerimaan, maka mereka harus memilih sekolah baru dan melakukan proses yang sama hingga batas waktu yang ditetapkan. Sistem enrollment merupakan salah satu solusi permasalahan di atas. Enrollment dimulai dari proses pendaftaran online, proses penyeleksian hingga pengumaman hasil seleksi secara online. Pada penelitian ini, proses penyeleksian menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). AHP digunakan untuk menentukan bobot dari kriteria calon siswa yaitu nilai UAN, prestasi individu, dan usia, sedangkan SAW digunakan sebagai langkah akhir penjumlahan bobot kriteria hingga menghasilkan peringkat nilai tertinggi ke terendah calon siswa berdasarkan kriteria tersebut. Calon siswa yang tersisih dari kuota penerimaan diberikan rekomendasi sekolah baru berdasarkan jarak terdekat tempat domosili siswa ke sekolah baru. Data yang digunakan sebagai uji coba adalah data pendaftar siswa baru tahun pelajaran 2012-2013 SMP Negeri 2 Bangkalan dan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 91.5%.
Kata kunci : AHP,Enrollment, PSB Online, Rekomendasi, SAW.
New Student Admission (NSA) is an annual activity held by all education institutions. In Bangkalan regency, this activity still uses a manual way in its process. Prospective students should come to the school to register themselves. Every day they should check whether their names are included on the list of the admission quota or not. If their names are not included in the list, then they should choose other school and repeat the same process until the deadline of the admission. Enrollment system is one of the solutions of the above problem. Enrollment begins with an online registration, then a selection process, until the last is the online announcement of the selection result. In this study, the selection process used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. AHP is used to determine the quality of the prospective students’ criteria, including the national examination score, individual achievement, and age. While SAW is used as the last step, the addition of the criteria quality to reveal the highest until the lowest ranks based on those criteria. The eliminated prospective students from the admission quota would get a recommendation of the new prospective schools based on the distance of their place of residence to the new schools. The trial data used is the data of the new student admission in the academic year of 2012-2013 in Junior High School 2 Bangkalan and result accuracy rate of 91.5 %.
Keywords: Enrollment, NSA Online, AHP, SAW, Recommendation
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