Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) is one type of crab which include in family of Portunidae has great potential to become an important fishery commodity exports as a produser of foreign exchange, so Rajungan product (Portunus pelagius) can be controlled through the production proces in order to generate profits for the company. This research aims to determine the types of defects that occur during the boiling process and stripping, applying four quality control’s tools during processing of management of quality control, and analyze the factors that affect the quality of the process of boiling and stripping. Analyze quality control using quality control’s tools in the form of quality control check sheet, P control chart , pareto diagrams and causal and effects diagram. Check sheets are use to present data in order to facilitate the understanding of the data for further analysis. P control chart used to see whether the defective product is within out of control or not. Identification of the dominant types of defects and determine priority of repairs using pereto diagrams. The next step is to find the factors that cause damage to the product using a causal and effect diagram then prepared a proposal for improvement. The result of data analysis p control chart shows that the process still exists in a state outside the control limits, which meanshaving irregularities. Can be seen on the graph p control chart during the boiling process and stripping. Based on the diagram pareto, immediately made an improvement to the destruction of the most dominant in the boiling process is very mature (42,6 %) and the process of stripping named RB (73,8 %). Making a causal diagram analysis can be known what factors cause the occurrence of disability is a factor of raw materials, tools, methods of work / production processes, and human beings, so that companies can take immediate preventive measures and improvements to reduce the level of disability.
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