Title: Rekayasa
ISSN: 2502-5325 (electronic) 0216-9495 (print)
Issue Frequency: Tri-Annual (April, August, and December)
Accreditation: Grade 3 (Sinta 3) - (No. 23/E/KPT/2019 August 8th,2019)
Indexed at: DOAJ, Sinta, Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref, OneSearch, Dimensions, BASE, Moraref, WorldCat, etc
Citation: Google Scholar
Archive Preservation: Indonesian Institute of Science (ISJD), Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Association: HEBII, RJI
Copyright and Self Archiving: Sherpa/RoMEO
OAI: https://journal.trunojoyo.ac.id/rekayasa/oai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/rekayasa
Rekayasa is the Scientific Journal of Science and Technology. it is open access and peer-reviewed journal, published by LPPM Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, which is a dissemination medium for research results from scientists and engineers in many fields of science and technology.
Aim and Scope: Agriculture; Engineering; Environmental Sciences; Technology; Basic Sciences and Science Education
Rekayasa is a tri-annual journal issued in April, August, and December. The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to (1) Theoretical articles; (2) Empirical studies; (3) Practice-oriented papers; (4) Case studies; (5) Review of papers, books, and resources.
- Please check Rekayasa Archives (2008-Now) HERE
- Please check Rekayasa In-Press Here
- Please check the Author Guidelines HERE
- Please send your best Manuscript HERE
Since 2019 until Now, the journal has been Re-ACCREDITATED with grade "SINTA 3" by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia (Arjuna) as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal which has excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition published in Director Decree No. 23/E/KPT/2019 August 8th, 2019 effective until 2023 and Director Decree No. 152/E/KPT/2023 September 25th, 2023 effective until 2027.
FYI: This journal has been accreditated with Grade"SINTA 4" since the year 2016 to 2020 according to the decree No. 21/E/KPT/2018.
The Institute for Research and Community Service
University of Trunojoyo, Madura
Graha Utama Building 1st Floor
Jl. Raya Telang, Kamal - Bangkalan 69162
News: Rekayasa will be published three times a year in 2020, including April, August and December |
Yth. Author, Editor, Reviewer, Reader Rekayasa Pada tahun 2020 Rekayasa melakukan Perubahan frekuensi terbitan, oleh karena untuk mempercepat penyebarluasan hasil-hasil penelitian dan untuk meningkatkan nilai manfaat hasil-hasil penelitian serta mempersingkat masa tunggu pembaca agar dapat mengikuti perkembangan penelitian dalam bidang sains dan teknologi khususnya di Indonesia. |
Posted: 2020-01-11 | More... |
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