IBSI Education “SIWESI” Quality Measurement Based on System Technical Viewpoint
The need for information systems is increasing every year. The information system of an organization or company is useful for managing data to produce useful and effective information that supports activities and all levels of management that use it. The aspect of software quality is one of the important things in the development of a software. To determine the quality of software products, a measurement is needed. IBSI Education, one of which is a Tutoring Institution that uses “SiWeSi” to support administration, view schedules, see student progress, and so on. The success of the software that is built is based on whether or not the software works according to the objectives to be achieved. In the scientific concept of software engineering, the success of software is not only seen from the suitability of the resulting product to existing needs. The success of the software is also seen from the software development process. This study uses the McCall quality model because this method fulfills many components of the assessment and looks at quality from the user's point of view. The quality model used to measure the quality of SIWESI is determined from the results of the literature study.
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