Factors that determine the purchase of tempe in supporting local halal food

Khoirul Hidayat, Zenita Dini Hariyati, Raden Faridz, Muhammad Abdul Aziz


Tempe is a local Indonesian food made from soybeans by a fermentation process. Consumers have different criteria and conditions from one another. Therefore it is necessary to research the factors that determine the purchase of tempe in support of local halal food. This study uses a cluster analysis method with a hierarchical method based on demographic and psychographic variables. The clusters formed and based on demographic variables include cluster 1, consisting of 5 variables (gender, age, income, religion, and occupation), including the community group the affluent. Cluster 2 consists of 3 variables (gender, age, and income), including the anxious community. Cluster 3 consists of 2 variables (age and income), including the affluent community group, and cluster 4 consists of 2 variables (income and occupation), including the achievers community group. Based on psychographics, Cluster 1 consists of 3 variables (lifestyle, personality, and social class), including the community group the achievers. Cluster 2 consists of 1 variable (lifestyle), including the community group the socialite, and cluster 3 consists of 2 variables (lifestyle and personality), including the community group the anxious. Age, gender, income level, occupation, lifestyle, social class, and personality influence the consumption of tempe.


Consumer; Halal Food; Local; Tempe

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/herj.v1i2.28273


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Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirul Hidayat, Zenita Dini Hariyati, Raden Faridz, Muhammad Abdul Aziz

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Halal Centre

Institute of Research and Community Services, University of Trunojoyo Madura

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