Marginalized identity in Indonesian higher education: Navigating nonbinary students’ experience on campus
Nonbinary individuals often experience discrimination and marginalization in society. This might end up increasing the severity of their gender dysphoria, body image, and mental health in general. This research’s objective is to know nonbinary students’ perspectives regarding their gender identity’s existence and visibility in their respective higher education institutions, the challenges they face, and potential solutions they wish to overcome their challenges. This research’s method and approach are qualitative descriptive, based on primary data collected by in-depth interviews with six qualified informants. Then, the informants’ answers are transcribed and discussed in three subchapters to achieve this research’s objective. Difficulties found are the lack of literature regarding this topic and the lack of informants. Based on the interview, we can conclude that nonbinary students receive discrimination and lack of attention from their institutions. Existing gender dysphoria with added constant discrimination causes the informants to feel discomfort, depression, and stress. Potential solutions offered are gender diversity education and the increase of both physical and mental healthcare services.
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