AI-driven empowerment of international higher education and international networking: A case study of Moroccan universities
In the rapidly evolving 21st century, characterized by technological advances, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and intelligent systems has become increasingly important. This research focuses on the role of AI and intelligent systems in strengthening higher education and networking in an international context, with a specific focus on Morocco. It is undeniable that the advent of Internet communication technologies has facilitated networking, especially in the international educational context. This paper presents an analysis of three Moroccan universities, shedding light on the impact of international networking on academic and professional experiences, especially for doctoral students in Morocco. This paper is based on a mixed method research with a focus on primary data collection in Morocco. This research aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for fostering a robust educational ecosystem in the context of international collaboration. Some of the findings of this paper highlight that, despite some limitations, AI and intelligent systems could potentially be used as important tools to create innovative learning materials. AI is becoming essential for predicting student needs and behavior, as well as for enabling international higher education and international perspectives within universities.
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