Perancangan Alat Laju Penguapan (Evaporasi) Air Garam dengan pendekatan Bodyspace Orang Madura
Perancangan alat laju penguapan (evaporasi) air garam perlu memperhatikan aspek ergonomic guna kesesuaian alat dengan petani tambak sebagai pengguna. Salah satu pendekatan ergonomic yang digunakan dalam perancangan alat laju penguapan air garam yaitu metode bodyspace. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar perancangan alat laju penguapan sesuai dengan antropometri orang Madura berjenis kelamin pria selaku pengguna. Berdasarkan data antropometri orang Madura berjenis kelamin pria pada rentang usia 21-24 tahun, data dimensi tubuh yang digunakan terkait pendekatan bodyspace yaitu data D1,D2,D4,,D24,D25,D28,D29,D33 dan D34, dengan persentil sebesar 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan memperhatikan data dimensi pada D1,D2 dan D34 ketinggian alat minimum sebesar 123 cm tinggi maksimum sebesar 193 cm, data D33 panjang alat sebesar 56 cm, data D24 dan D25 lebar alat sebesar 54 cm, data D2 ketinggian LCD sebesar 81 cm, data D28,D29 panjang handle sebesar 11 cm, data D28,D29 dan D33 ukuran wadah diperoleh panjang 30 cm, lebar 30 cm dan tinggi 9 cm. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, maka diketahui bahwa perancangan alat laju penguapan perlu dibuat secara fleksibel sesuai dengan data dimensi Antropometri orang Madura sebagai penggunanya.
Design of Salt Water Evaporation Tools using the Madurese Bodyspace
The design of the evaporation rate for salt water needs to pay attention to ergonomic aspects for the suitability of the tool with the farmer farmer as the user. One ergonomic approach used in the design of the salt water evaporation rate tool is the bodyspace method. The purpose of this study is that the design of the evaporation rate tool is in accordance with the anthropometry of male Madurese as the user. Based on anthropometric data of male Madurese in the age range of 21-24 years, body dimension data used is related to the bodyspace approach namely data D1, D2, D4,, D24, D25, D28, D29, D33 and D34, with 95% percentile . The results showed by taking into account the dimension data on D1, D2 and D34 the minimum height of the tool is 123 cm, the maximum height is 193 cm, the D33 data is 56 cm, the D24 and D25 data is 54 cm, the D2 height is 81 cm , data D28, D29 handle length of 11 cm, data D28, D29 and D33 container size obtained length 30 cm, width 30 cm and height 9 cm. Based on the results obtained, it is known that the design of the evaporation rate tool needs to be made flexibly according to the Madurese Anthropometric dimension data as its user.
Keywords: Design, salt water evaporation rate tool, ergonomics, anthropometry, bodyspace, workspace
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