Modifikasi Pati Secara Asetilasi Terhadap Gugus Fungsi Asetil dan Kristanilitas Pati Ubi Banggai Asetat
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik gugus fungsi asetil dan kristanilitas pati ubi banggai asetat melalui modifikasi pati secara asetilasi dengan waktu reaksi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan waktu reaksi (T) yaitu T1 : 30 menit, T2 : 35 menit, T3 : 40 menit, T4 : 45 menit, T5 : 50 menit, T6 : 55 menit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan karakteristik pengikatan gugus fungsi asetil FTIR dan kristanilitas XRD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terbentuknya pati ubi banggai asetat ditunjukkan dengan hasil identifikasi FTIR berupa adanya serapan gugus karbonil (C=O) pada bilangan gelombang 1651,07 cm-1, 1645,28 cm-1, 1643,35 cm-1, 1645,28 cm-1, 1651,07 cm-1 dan 1647,21 cm-1 dan munculnya gugus fungsi (C-O) ester dari gugus asetil pada bilangan gelombang 1163,08 cm-1, 1161,15 cm-1, 1159,22 cm-1, 1161,15 cm-1, 1163,08 cm-1 dan 1155,36 cm-1. Hasil analisis kristanilitas difraktogram XRD pati ubi banggai asetat diperoleh pada waktu reaksi 50 menit (16,97%) yang bersifat kristalin.
Modification of Starch by Acetylation of the Acetyl Function Group and the Kristanility of Banggai Yam Starch Acetate
This study aims to determine the characteristics of the acetyl functional groups and the Banggai yam acetate crystallinity by acetylation modification of starch with different reaction times. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design with treatment time of reaction (T) namely T1: 30 minutes, T2: 35 minutes, T3: 40 minutes, T4: 45 minutes, T5: 50 minutes, T6: 55 minutes. This study was conducted to determine the binding characteristics of the acetyl FTIR functional groups and the XRD crystallinity. The results showed that the formation of banggai yam starch with acetate was indicated by the results of FTIR identification in the form of absorption of carbonyl groups (C = O) at wave number 1651.07 cm-1, 1645.28 cm-1, 1643.35 cm-1, 1645, 28 cm-1, 1651.07 cm-1 and 1647.21 cm-1 and the appearance of the functional group (C-O) esters of the acetyl group at wave number 1163.08 cm-1, 1161.15 cm-1, 1159.22 cm-1, 1161.15 cm-1, 1163.08 cm-1 and 1155.36 cm-1. The results of the analysis of the XRD diffractogram crystallinity of starch cassava proud with acetate were obtained at a reaction time of 50 minutes (16.97%) which were crystalline.
Keyword : Banggai yam starch, asetylation, FTIR, XRD
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