Studi Viabilitas Serbuk Sari Pada Salak Bangkalan
Salak (Salacca zalacca) banyak dibudidayakan di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Permasalahan penyerbukan seperti kesuburan serbuk sari menjadi masalah utama dalam produksi salak di Bangkalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari viabilitas serbuk sari dari bunga jantan pada salak Bangkalan. Sampel bunga dikoleksi dari perkebunan salak di Desa Kramat, Kecamatan Bangkalan, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Pengamatan dan pembuatan preparat dilakukan di Laboratorium Produksi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura pada bulan Mei 2018. Pengamatan fertilitas serbuk sari dilakukan di bawah mikroskop setelah dilakukan pewarnaan terhadap serbuk sari dengan larutan Lugol 1%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan viabilitas serbuk sari pada bunga salak jantan kuning lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bunga salak jantan merah dengan perbandingan 95% dan 10%.
Kata kunci: Anther, Madura, Serbuk sari, Salacca zalacca, Steril
Study on Pollen Viability of Bangkalan Snake Fruit
Snake fruit (Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss) is widely cultivated in Bangkalan District. Pollination problems such as pollen fertility are a major problem in the production of salak in Bangkalan. The objective of the study was to determine the pollen viability of Bangkalan snake fruit. Flower sample was collected from salak gardens in Kramat Village, Bangkalan and pollen analysis were conducted at the Production Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Trunojoyo Madura in May 2018. Observation of fertility of pollen was conducted under a microscope after pollen staining with Lugol 1%. The results showed that the pollen viability of male yellow flower was higher than the red one with a ratio of 95% and 10%, respectively.
Keywords: Anther, Madura, Pollen, Salacca zalacca, Sterile
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