Penapisan antibakteri pada Bakteri Simbion Sinularia sp terhadap Escherichia coli
karang lunak) memiliki metabolit sekunder dengan konsentrasi yang rendah (10-6% dari berat basa invertebrata). Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan cara yang lebih konservatif dalam pemanfaatan metabolit sekunder untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi bakterisimbion Sinularia sp dan melakukan penapisan aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Escherichia coli. Isolasi bakteri simbion Sinularia sp dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengenceran dan sebar (spread). Purifikasi bakteri menggunakan metode streak, kemudian, uji antibakteri dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode overlay dan difusi agar. Sebanyak 5 isolat bakteri didapatkan dari hasil isoasi sampel. Hasil uji aktivitas antibakteri menunjukkan sebanyak 4 isolat (Isolat L2.2, L2.3, L2.4, dan L2.5) memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli. Isolat L2.5 memiliki diameter zona hambat terbesar yaitu sebesar 2,207 ± 0,401 cm.
Kata Kunci: Sinularia sp, Antibakteri, Escherichia coli, Gili Labak.
Skrinning Antibacterial from Sinularia sp Symbiont Bacteria Againts Escherichia coli
Several studies have shown that invertebrates (including soft corals) contain secondary metabolites in low concentration (10-6% by wet weight of invertebrate). Therefore a more conservative approach is needed in the utilization of secondary metabolites to maintain the balance of ecosystems. The purposes of this study was to isolate the bacterium Sinularia sp and to screen antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli. Isolation of the bacteria symbione of Sinularia sp was performed by dilution method and spread. Purification of bacteria was performed by streak metho then, antibacterial test was done by using overlay method and agar disk-diffusion. A total of 5 bacterial isolates were obtained from the result of the isoation of the sample. The result of antibacterial activity test showed 4 isolates (Isolates L2.2, L2.3, L2.4, and L2.5) had antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli. Isolates L2.5 has the largest inhibitory zone diameter of 2.207 ± 0.401 cm.
Keywords: Sinularia sp, Antibactery, Escherichia coli, Gili Labak.
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