Setiap organisasi pengembang perangkat lunak harus tumbuh dan memperbaiki diri, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan process improvement, jika perusahaan tidak melakukan hal tersebut maka perusahaan tidak akan pernah belajar memanfaatkan pengalaman sebelumnya, sehingga tidak bisa meningkatkan kualitas hasil proses yang ada. Software Process Improvement dapat dilakukan dengan mangacu pada CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) yang dibuat oleh SEI (Software Engineering Institute). SEI adalah sebuah pusat penelitian di bidang software engineering terutama yang berkaitan dengan acquisition, architecture product lines, dan process improvement. CMMI mendefinisikan beberapa level maturity, untuk naik ke level yang lebih tinggi sejumlah proses harus dilakukan dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
Kata kunci: software engineering, software process improvement, capability maturity model integration.
Any organizations software developers must grow and improve themselves, one of which is to conduct process improvement, if the company does not do so then the company will never learn to take advantage of previous experience, so it can not improve the quality of existing processes. Software Process Improvement can be done with mangacu at CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) are made by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute). SEI is a research center in the field of software engineering, especially with regard to acquisition, architecture product lines, and process improvement. CMMI defines some level of maturity, to rise to a higher level and a process should be carried out as needed.
Key words: software engineering, software process improvement, capability maturity model of integration
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