Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat mendorong perusahaan yang memiliki jaringan pasar yang luas untuk mengefisienkan penggunaan biaya, dan memaksimalkan layanan terhadap konsumen. Salah cara yang bisa dilakukan yaitu memilih lokasi gudang distribusi secara tepat, karena hal ini dapat memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap biaya transportasi, biaya investasi, waktu dan layanan distribusi kepada konsumen, serta pangsa pasarnya. Penelitian ini mengkaji pemilihan lokasi gudang distribusi di tiga lokasi (A, B, C) di wilayah kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan mempertimbangkan multikriteria yang menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process dengan Extent Analysis (FAHP Extent Analysis). Berdasarkan studi literatur dan survei terhadap pelaku bisnis dibeberapa lokasi pergudangan di wilayah kabupaten Sidoarjo, diperoleh 5 kriteria yang dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pemilihan lokasi gudang, yaitu: kondisi transportasi, kedekatan dengan konsumen, biaya investasi, kondisi pasar, luas lokasi. Dengan menggunakan kuesioner, setiap kriteria ini diberi bobot oleh beberapa investor, sedangkan penilaian tiap alternatif dilakukan melalui konsensus. Bobot kriteria kemudian dihitung menggunakan FAHP Extent Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria ’kedekatan dengan konsumen’ merupakan kriteria yang paling dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi pergudangan, disusul dengan kriteria ’biaya investasi’, ’luas lokasi pergudangan’, ’kondisi transportasi’, ’kondisi pasar’. Dan, lokasi yang paling baik (paling direkomendasikan) untuk gudang distribusi adalah lokasi B, disusul dengan lokasi A dan C.
Kata kunci: Pemilihan lokasi gudang distribusi, Multikriteria, FAHP Extent Analysis.
Nowadays, business competition is getting more competitive forcing companies with wide-range of market network to use their cost efficiently and their services to customers maximally. One thing that they can do to cope this problem is by choosing the location of distribution warehouse correctly. However, it can give majority impact on the transportasion cost, investment cost, delivery time and services to customers, also to their market share size. This research examines the selection of the location of distribution warehouse in three different locations (A,B,C) locating in Sidoarjo region, and also considering the use of multicriteria method, which is Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process with Extent Analysis (FAHP Extent Analysis). Based on the literature studies and survey on several businessmen in several locations in Sidoarjo region, it can be obtained five criterias that are considered in the selection of the location of distribution warehouse. These criterias are transportation condition, closeness to demand market, investment cost, market environment, size of facilities. In addition, by using questionnaires, each criterias is weighted by the experts (investors/businessman), while the scoring of each alternative is done through consencus. The weight of each criterias is then calculated by using FAHP Extent Analysis. As a result, the criteria “closeness to demand market” is the most considered criteria for selecting the distributuion warehouse, followed by criteria “investment cost” as the second highest consideration, and then criteria “size of the facilities”, criteria “transportation condition”, criteria “market environment” in that order. Furthermore, the most appropriate location (most recommended) for distribution warehouse is location B, followed by location A, and C.
Key words: Selection of location of distribusion warehouse, multicriteria, FAHP Extent Analysis
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