Pendugaan Konsentrasi Klorofil-A Secara Vertikal dengan Neural Network
to describe the variation of the chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) profile which consists offour parameters, i.e.
background biomass (Br)1 maximum depth of Chl-a (Zm), total biomass zn the peak (h), and measurenment of the thickness or vertical scale of the peak (o). However, these parameters are not easy to be determined directlyfrom satellite data. therefore, in these research, anANN methodology is used. Using in-situ data 1962 to 1985 in Banda Sea, the above parameters are calculated to derive the Chl-a concentration, sea surface temperature, mixed layer depth, latitude, longi_tude, and season. The total of 53 profiles of Chl-a and temperature are used for ANN. The correlation coefficient of these parameters are 0.852 (B,J, 0.670 (h), 0.983 (d) and 0.990 (Zm) respectively. After comparing with in-situ data and AN!'J model, the result show not good enough agreement relatively.
Keywords: Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), Vertical Structure, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
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