Produksi Serasah (Guguran Daun) Pada BerbagaiJenis Mangrove

Wahyu Andy Nugraha


Litter thatfalls from the tree in the capacity to trap litter (litter traps) as many as 30fruit in pairs at random under the canopy of trees at an altitude observations at 1.5 m above the ground, so avoid the reach of high tide. Net installed treefrom Rhizopora type mucronata, Rhizopora and Bruguera apiculata sp. 10fruit nets were installed in each mangrove species are. Net container litter made of box-shaped net with polyetilen size 1x1x0, 5 m3. Litter is deposited in litter traps taken every 2nd Sunday for 3 months. The rate of mangrove lea(litter production in the north coast of Madura between 4.08 g/treej day-18.38 g/tree/ day. the numberoflitterproduction in most types ofRhizopora mucronata 64.56%, 24.32% Rhizopora apiculata and Sp Bruguera of 11.12%.

Keywords: Production, litter, Mangrove

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