Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan PT POS Cabang Sadang Serang

Retno Indriartiningti


Postal service is one ofbusiness that always needed by economic growth. Postal service has a lot of customers such as students, businessman, educations area, bank area, etc. Because of that reason, the competitiveness of portal service business is very high. Each of portal service has to increase their service to8et their customers. These study looks service quality and customer satisfaction in the postal servzce in sadang serang, Bandun8. The quality of services is grouped as Reliability, Assurance, Tangible, Empathy and Responszveness. Tota1 respondents are 101, 30 respondents for pre-test and71 respondents for main test. The result of the study, all of indicators have negative gabs.

Key words :postal service, service quality, customer satisfaction

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