Pembuatan Digital Library untuk Mendukung Proses Belajar Mengajar di Universitas Trunojoyo

Ali Syakur, Bain Khusnul Khotimah


Natural Library growth relate to information technology, started from library of manual, library of terautomasi, digital library or cyber library. Measure growth of library was measured from many appl yings of using information technology, so the requirement of information technology of library as strength in continuation for spreading of science information and culture expanding along with writing, printing, educating and requirement of human society ininformation. This research would be made by library information system with database of client server in University of Trunojoyo. The library information was recognized by cyber library information system base on web and information system of client server which used for local network ( nor intranet) of Internet and used good at library of college or library of public.

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