Pengembangan Know ledge Base Systems untuk Pemilihan TIPE Sambungan Las

Momahammad Imron Mustajib


Welding is one of the manufacturing process used tomake the connection of components Imetal parts intendedfor assembly. There aremanyfactors toconsider inplanning a welding connection, including costfactors, power and ease of workmanship in the process. Cross­ sectional area smaller number of wires that require fewer and thus more economical. For that a decision tool that has the capability of knowledge (knowledge base) obtained from the domain expertise required to consider alternativeforms of alternataf weld connection on the basis of three criteria: minimum cross-sectional area. Destination of the study in this research is to develop a model of knowledge-based software knowledge (knowledge-based systems)
welding the connection type selection criteria: cross-sectional area to minimize welding connection, and ease of manufacture hem welding, using a computerprogram capabilities that could save the base knowledge (knowledge base). The acquisition of knowledge of welding connection type domain expertise, data preparation section area calculation, and the stage reprsentasi knowledge to build a knowledge base systems. Use of software knowledge-based systems for selection of welding plate connection provides time-saving convenience and selection of welding connection as part of the manufacturing process planning

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