Perubahan Kualitas Beberapa Klon Harapan Ubi Jalar (Ipomoeabatatas L.) Hasil dari Dua Lokasi Penanaman Selama Penyimpanan

Muhammad Fakhry


The research aims to investigate the changes of the quality of several clones of sweet pota fo planted in two sites. The clone of 1-57,IR, CN 1332-2, 73-6, 73-6/l,and 73-6,12 was planted at Telang, Bangkalan located 5 m above sea level and at Batu, Malang located 600 m above sea level. Theharvestfrom two sites above was then·storaged in a room inMalang whithout temperature arrangementfor 60 days. The treatments were arranged ina complete randomize with three replications. ·
Results showed that clone IRfrom Malang had longer storaged life compared to clone 1-57, CN 1332-2, 73-6, 73-6/l, and 73-6,1.2. It was characterized by the changes of water contentfrom 0,96% to 3 % and the changes in respiration ratefrom 5,8% to 83,1%. Clone 73-6,l.2from Bangkalan had better storage life compared to clone 1-57, IR, CN 1332-2, 73- 6,and 73-6/l. Also this clone had starch contentfrom 10,6% to 21,3% .It can be concluded that clone IR is suitable for upland areas while clone 73-6,1.2 is suitable for lowland area. Moreover, toexamine consumer preference to the storaged tuber, an organoleptic test should beemployed.

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