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Radka, DOFKOVÁ (Czech Republic)
Rahayu, Lustya Suci, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (Indonesia)
Rahma, Nuzulul (Indonesia)
Rahmah, Mega Sri, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan (Indonesia)
Rama, Asri Nofa, Lakidende University
Rama, Asri Nofa, English Department, Teacher Training and Educational Faculty,Lakidende University (Indonesia)
Rama, Asri Nofa, Teacher Training and Educational Faculty, Lakidende University
Ramlin, Ramlin, Universitas Lakidende Unaaha
Ratnawati, Ratnawati, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan (Indonesia)
Rifai, Irfan, Universitas Pasundan Bandung (Indonesia)

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