Prosodi: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra (E-ISSN 2622-0474 and ISSN 1907-6665) is a journal that publishes scientific papers on the results of the study and review of the literature in the scope and focus of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching. The editor accepts the article that has not been published in other media with the writing format as listed on page Article Template and Author Guidelines. This journal was established in 2006, published two times a year, in April and October by Department of English, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
Prosodi: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra has been collaborating productively with ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia) and HISKI (Himpunan Sarjana-Kesusastraan Indonesia) for the review and dissemination of its articles.
To submit your article to Prosodi: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra;
- You can access and download the manuscript format from Article Template
- You have to register or log in to submit yours.
We proudly announce that Prosodi: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra has been indexed by some services: Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Dimensions, SINTA4, Crossref, etc.

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