Isnawati Isnawati, Siti Sriyati, Eka Cahya Prima, Riandi Riandi


School internships typically adhere to a standard format, employing basic tools for educational purposes. Among these, the greenhouse effect modelling laboratory, traditionally conducted under direct sunlight, faces challenges due to the variability introduced by cloud cover. This variability limits the ability to study the influence of light wavelength on the greenhouse effect, an aspect not accounted for when using sunlight alone. This research aims to explore the impact of light wavelength on temperature changes within greenhouse effect models. In our methodology, we employed an experimental setup that simulated the greenhouse effect using artificial light sources of varying wavelengths: red (641 nm), orange (592 nm), yellow (586 nm), green (536 nm), and blue (474 nm). The experiment involved monitoring the temperature increase within the model greenhouse under each light condition, thereby isolating the effect of wavelength from other environmental variables. The results revealed a direct correlation between light wavelength and the rate of temperature increase in the greenhouse model. Specifically, longer wavelengths were associated with a quicker rise in temperature, highlighting the significant role of wavelength in the greenhouse effect's efficiency. This study underscores the necessity of incorporating wavelength considerations into greenhouse effect models, particularly in educational settings. By integrating such experiments into school curricula, students can gain a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the greenhouse effect, moving beyond the limitations of traditional sunlight-based experiments.

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