Interferensi Morfologi Bahasa Melayu Terhadap Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Film Sambas Tullah

Rizwan Mustika Pratama, Eti Sunarsih, Zulfahita Zulfahita


Tujuanpenelitianiniuntukmengetahuiinterferensi morfologis bahasa Melayu terhadap
bahasa Indonesia dalam film Sambas Tullah. Metode deskriptif dan bentuk penelitian kualitatif.
Sumber data dan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dialog film Tullah karya Adri Addayuni.
Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan
identifikasidata,klasifikasi,analisisdan kesimpulan.Hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan: 1)
Interferensi morfologis dari segi afiksasi bahasa Melayu terhadap bahasa Indonesia dalam film
Sambas Tullah terdapat 21 data, 2) Interferensi morfologis dari segi reduplikasi bahasa Melayu
morfologis dari segi komposisi bahasa bahasa Melayu terhadap bahasa Indonesia dalam film
Sambas Tullahterdapat 9 data,3) Implementasipenelitianpada rencana pelaksanaan
pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah PertamatentangfilmpadaKompetensiDasar(KD)
3.12 Menelaah struktur dan kebahasaan teks ulasan (film, cerpen, puisi, novel, karya seni
daerah) yang diperdengarkan dan dibaca, serta pada Kompetensi Dasar (KD) 4.12 Menyajikan
tanggapan tentang kualitas karya (film, cerpen, puisi, novel,karya seni daerah, dll.) dalam bentuk
teks ulasan secara lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan struktur, unsur kebahasaan, atau aspek
lisan. Tujuan dalam pembelajaran ini diharapkan peserta didik dapat menelaah struktur dan
kebahasaan teks ulasan (film, cerpen, puisi, novel, karya seni daerah) yang diperdengarkan dan
dibaca. Menyajikan tanggapan tentang kualitaskaryafilmdalam bentuk teks ulasan secara
lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan struktur, unsur kebahasaan, atau aspek lisan.

Kata Kunci: Interferensi Morfologis, Film Sambas Tullah

The purpose of this study is to determine interference morphology of the Malay language
against Indonesian in the Movie Sambas Tullah. Descriptive methods and forms of qualitative
research. The source of data and data in this research is the dialogue of the MovieTullah by Adri
Addauni. Data collection techniques using note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques
used are data identification, classification, analysis and conclusions. The results of the analysis
can be concluded: 1) Morphological interference in terms of affixation of Malay to Indonesian
in the Movie Sambas Tullah contains 21 data, 2) Morphological interferencein terms of
reduplicationof Malay to Indonesian in the Movie SambasTullah contains16 data,3)
Morphological interference in terms of the composition of the Malay language to the Indonesian
language in theMovie Sambas Tullah there are 9 data, 3) Implementation of research on learning
implementation plans in junior high schools about Movie on Basic Competency (KD) 3.12
Examine the structure and language of review texts (Movie, short stories, poetry, novels, regional artworks) that are heard and read, as well as on Basic Competency (KD) 4.12 Presenting
responses about the quality of works (Movie, short stories, poetry, novels, regional artworks, etc.)
in the form of oral and written review texts with due regard to structure, linguistic elements, or
oral aspects. The aim of this lesson is that students are expected to be able to examine the
structure and language of review texts (Movie, short stories, poetry, novels, regional works of art)
that are heard and read. Presenting comments about the quality of film works in the form of oral
and written review texts with due regard to structure, linguistic elements, or oral aspects.


Morphological Interference, Sambas Tullah Movie


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Copyright (c) 2023 Rizwan Mustika Pratama, Eti Sunarsih, Zulfahita Zulfahita

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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Metalingua by Universitas Trunojoyo Madura is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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