Bandeng (Chanos chanos, Forskal) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang strategis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein yang relatif murah dan digemari oleh konsumen di Indonesia. Bandeng sebagai bahan pangan, merupakan sumber zat gizi yang penting bagi proses kelangsungan hidup manusia Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia daging ikan bandeng yang berasal dari habitat yang berbeda yaitu air tawar dan air payau. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu preparasi sampel saat transportasi dan preparasi bahan baku untuk memisahkan daging, kulit, tulang dan jeroan. Analisa yang dilakukan yaitu analisis proksimat, asam amino, asam lemak, mineral dan vitamin. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa ikan bandeng dari dua habitat memperoleh rendemen yang berbeda. Rendemen ikan bandeng air tawar sebesar 38,5%, sedangkan air payau sebesar 50,8%. Ikan bandeng kaya akan sumber protein (20-24%), asam amino, asam lemak, mineral dan vitamin. Komposisi asam amino tertinggi yaitu glutamat sebesar 1,386% (air tawar) dan 1,268% (air payau). Asam lemak tidak jenuh tertinggi oleat 31-32%, mineral makro pada daging ikan bandeng yaitu: Ca, Mg, Na dan K. Mineral mikronya terdiri dari Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn. Kandungan vitamin daging ikan bandeng meliputi vitamin A, B1 dan B12.
Kata Kunci: habitat berbeda, ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos, Forskal), kandungan gizi
Milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal) is one of the strategic commodities to fulfill protein need which is relatively cheap and favored by Indonesian consumer. Milkfish as a comestible is an important sources of nutrient for the survival of mankind. The objective of this research is to know the flesh’s chemical composition of the milkfishes come from different habitats which are freshwater and brackish water. The research was conducted through two stages, the stage of sample preparation for transportation, and the stage of raw material preparation like separating flesh, scale, bone, and offal. The analysis which was conducted was analysis of proximate, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. The finding showed that two milkfishes from two different habitats got different yields. The yield of freshwater milkfish was 38.5%, while the brackish water milkfish was 50.8%. Milkfishes are rich with protein source (20-24%), amino acid, fatty acid, mineral and vitamin.The highest composition of amino acid was glutamate by1.386% (freshwater milkfish) and 1.268% (brackish water milkfish). The highest unsaturated fatty acid was oleic by 31-32%, macro mineralson milkfish flesh which were: Ca, Mg, Na and K. The mineral micro consisted of Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn. Vitamin content of milkfish flesh included vitamin A, B1 and B12.
Keywords: different habitats, milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal), nutritional content
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Published by: Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura