Kajian Mikroplastik Pada Ikan Ekonomis di Pasar Tradisional Kota Palu
Mikroplastik merupakan luruhan dari serpihan plastik yang terbuang atau sengaja dibuang ke laut. Dampak dari cemaran mikroplastik ini sangat berbahaya, terlebih lagi jika masuk kedalam jaringan tubuh hewan bahkan manusia. Ketergantungan konsumsi lokal tersebut menyebabkan tingginya resiko terpapar cemaran mikroplastik dari ikan laut yang dipasarkan melalui pasar-pasar tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghitung konsentrasi mikroplastik pada sistem pencernaan ikan laut konsumsi pada pasar tradisional di Kota Palu dan mengkaji jenis kandungan plastik yang terdapat pada pencernaan ikan konsumsi tersebut. Sampling ikan yang diambil adalah ikan laut yang dipasarkan di 4 (empat) pasar tradisional Kota Palu, sampel yang diambil adalah ikan yang segar dan biasa dikonsumsi masyarakat. Pengukuran mikroplastik dilakukan dengan metode destruksi bahan organik pada saluran pencernaan ikan menggunakan larutan KOH 10% dan H2O230% hingga 50%, perendaman antara 48 hingga 72 jam. Sampel diamati menggunakan mikroskop, untuk memastikan bahwa objek adalah mikroplastik metode Hot Needle Test. Berdasarkan pengamatan diperoleh hasil Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger kanagurta) terdapat kandungan mikroplastik sebesar 0,375 item/ind atau 0,022 item/gr berat badan ikan, jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan adalah jenis serpihan plastik. Ikan Baronang (Siganus canaliculatus) ditemukan kandungan mikroplastik sebesar 3,75 item/ind atau 0,071item/gr berat badan ikan, jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan adalah jenis serpihan dan serat.
Kata Kunci: mikroplastik, ikan, pencernaan, konsumsi, pasar
Microplastics are the decay of plastic flakes that were wasted or deliberately thrown into the sea. The impact of microplastic contamination is very dangerous, especially if it enters the body tissues of animals and even humans. This dependence on local consumption causes a high risk of exposure to microplastic contamination from marine fish marketed through traditional markets. The purpose of this study was to calculate the concentration of microplastics in the digestive system of consumption fish at traditional markets in Palu City and to examine the types of plastic content found in the digestion of consumption fish. The fish samples taken were marine fish marketed in 4 (four) local markets in Palu City, the samples were fresh fish and commonly consumed by locals. Microplastic measurements were carried out by the method of destroying organic matter in the digestive tract of fish using a 10% KOH solution and 30% to 50% H2O2, soaking between 48 to 72 hours. The samples were observed using a microscope, to ensure that the objects were microplastic using the Hot Needle Test method. Based on observations, it was found that mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) contained a microplastic content of 0.375 item/ind or 0.022 item/gr fish body weight, the type of microplastic found was a type of plastic flake. Baronang fish (Siganus canaliculatus) was found to contain microplastics of 3.75 items/ind or 0.071 items/gr fish body weight, the types of microplastics found were flakes and fibers.
Keywords: Microplastic, fish, digestion, consumption, local market
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/jk.v16i1.17566
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Published by: Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura