Peran Resiliensi Sebagai Moderator Pada Pengaruh Covid Anxiety Terhadap Motivasi Akademik Dalam Pembelajaran Daring

Kusmawaty Matara, Eka Apristian Pantu


The pandemic that occurred had an impact on students' academic motivation in online learning. Covid-19 anxiety is the independent variable and resilience is the moderator variable. This study aims to examine the role of resilience as a moderator in the effect of Covid-19 anxiety on academic motivation. Data collection uses the modified academic motivation scale, fear of coronavirus-19 scale, and the brief resilience scale. The results of the study show that there is a positive effect of Covid-19 anxiety on academic motivation. This study also found that resilience is a moderator variable in the effect of Covid-19 anxiety on academic motivation.


Keywords: covid-19 anxiety, resilience, academic motivation

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