InFestasi with registered number print ISSN 0216-9517; online ISSN 2460-8505, is a scientific, open access, peer-reviewed published biannually by the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, in June and December. InFestasi is dedicated to publishing articles in the field of accounting and business with covered various research approaches: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods that offer significant contributions. InFestasi is nationally accredited by the Directorate General for Research Strengthening and Development, the Ministry of Research and Technology for Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (Decree No. 164/E/KPT/2021) with category “SINTA 4”. The reaccreditation status obtained in 2020 and valid until June 2024. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies.
InFestasi, in collaboration with the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants and the ALJEBI. InFestasi receives rigorous research articles that have not been offered for publication elsewhere, with a maximum plagiarism rate of 25%. InFestasi is cordially invite submissions from academics, practitioners, researchers, regulators, students, and other stakeholders interested in advancing accounting practices and the accounting profession. The manuscripts can be submitted in either Indonesian or English, ensuring accessibility to authors worldwide.

Template Renewal |
Dear authors, we announce that all the articles published in December 2024 and so on will be applied the new template attached |
Posted: 2024-08-15 | |
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Vol 20, No 2 (2024): DECEMBER
Table of Contents
Front Cover
Prefence, Editorial Board, Table of Contence
Ananda Wirdanadia, Netty Herawaty, Riski Hernando
Kusuma Indawati Halim
Muhammad Akbar, Fitri Romadhon, Alfiana Fitri, Ahmad Rizal Restu Pratama
Achmad Daffa Abiyyu, Nurul Mustafida
Dewi Amalia, Windy Novita Ariani, Suripto Suripto, Zahra Fitri Azizah
Irmawati Irmawati, Nurul Mazidah, Dina Alafi Hidayatin
Anandya Nur’alia Hassa, Aulia Azzardina
Andi Ruby Arsy Pualam, Lince Bulutoding, Namla Elfa yariati, Della Fadhilatunisa, Sanunggarah Talaohu
Author Index & Reviewer