Author Guidelines
The title of the article is English [Times New Roman 16, Bold]
First author’s full namea, Second author’s full nameb [Times New Roman 12]
a Department of First Author, University of First Author, City of First Author, State of First Author [Times New Roman 9]
b Department of Second Author, University of Second Author, City of Second Author, State of Second Author [TNR 9]
email: aemail of first author, bemail of second author[Times New Roman 9, Italic]
Abstract is a complete description related to research that is written concisely and clearly. Abstract consists of the background of the problem, the proposed solution, the problem-solving method used, the contribution of the proposal, the research objectives, the results obtained, the conclusion. Abstract consists of a maximum of 250 words and must be written in Indonesian and English. Using uncommon references or abbreviations is not allowed.
Keywords: Up to fifth keywords should also be included.
Edutic Scientific Journal is a journal published by the Informatics Education Department, Trunojoyo University, Madura. Edutic contains publications of thoughts and research in the fields of education and informatics. Edutic is published twice a year, in November and May. Edutic focuses on articles within the scope of Education and Informatics. However, it is unlimited to E-Learning, Multimedia Education, Vocational Learning Media, Vocational Education Psychology, Vocational Learning Strategies, Vocational Learning Theory, Vocational Learning Models, Vocational Learning Methods, Vocational Learning Approaches , Vocational Learning Evaluation, Vocational Learning Planning, Information Systems, Data Mining, Computer Networks, Database Systems, Electronics, Image Processing, Game Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval Systems, etc.
Articles that will be submitted to Edutic must comply the contextual style according to the Edutic guideline and the following format:
Each page uses Mirror Margins, with top margin 2 cm, outside 2 cm, bottom 2 cm and inside 3 cm.
The page format that will be used is different first page, different odd & even page format. If it is odd then the page is above the right corner, while if it is even it is above the left corner. All pages are above the header.
The header uses the format provided. On the first page there is the name of the Edutic Scientific Journal, volume, number, month, year of publication, along with ISSN both online version and ISSN print version. The font is Times New Roman 10 Italic in black. In addition, there is also a footer containing the title of the article.
The title uses a maximum of 20 words that are straightforward, informative, describing the content of the problem, the object of research, the method used and the expected goals.
If the author's name consists of one word, then the writing must be repeated. For example, the name is only the word "Budi", so when writing the author's name it becomes "Budi Budi". First and last names should not be abbreviated and without using titles. This is so that the article can be detected by indexing engines.
The content of the article uses Times New Roman font size 11 with 1.15 cm spacing, justify, and 1 cm for special first line.
The minimum number of pages is 6 or 6,000 words overall. The maximum number of pages is 20.
The maximum plagiarism check result is 15%.
Each article is the result of his own work and is not in the process of being published by another publisher. Every foreign term used, be it English, Arabic, Regional Language, Slang is written in italics. Checking foreign words according to Indonesian can be done through and English For the use of spaced words or not, it can be checked according to PUEBI
The introduction contains the background of the problem that begins with general problems to specific problems, reasons for selecting the object of research, previous research that has been carried out, previous research related to current research problems. Problem solving solutions offered, contributions in the form of research gaps, proposed methods, and expected goals. Everything the author chooses must be explained why without causing confusion by the reader. A page must not have any remaining space or blank sections.
The reference system uses the APA style by applying the references management tool provided by Microsoft Word. However, the use of Mendeley or Zetero tools is also allowed. Citation uses paraphrasing, not directly. Because direct citation can be detected plagiarism. References used in each citation must be valid. Preferably sourced from international journals indexed by Scopus or Web of Science. If the reference comes from a national journal, then accredited journals in the S1 and S2 clusters are prioritized on the Sinta journal indexing engine.
This section describes the experimental design, instruments, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, all of which are adapted according to the type of research. In this section, the place and time of the research are listed, the analytical methods carried out including research tools and materials, experimental design followed by supporting theories. Each method used can be equipped with a table, chart, or flow chart to explain the steps involved in the method. The stages start from data collection to benchmarks to determine the level of success achieved in research. The use of formulas or formulas can also be conveyed in this section.
The format of the table can be seen in Table 1. The format for writing the formula can be seen in Equation 1. While the picture can be seen in Figure 1. For writing equations, equations must be used. Tables and equations are not allowed to use image form for easy modification or editing. Tables are also not allowed from screenshots copied to articles directly. But it must be remade, both from the results of their own ideas and quotes. If the table or figure is the result of citation, then the source must be given. In making the table also should not be truncated or on a different page. Every table, chart, figure, or equation that is written must be explained in the content of the article.
Table 1. Total datasets (Ali, 2021) [Times New Roman 10]
Example of Equation 1,
where i, j are matrix size index, p(i, j) is the calculated value of gray level co-occurence matrix, and g is homogeneity function.
Fig 1. Leaf image processing: (a) Original leaf image; (a) Gray tranformation; (b) Segmentation results; dan
(c) Processing on Detail results (Ani, 2019) [Times New Roman 10]
This section describes the results of research and discussions that have been obtained by researchers. All the main findings in the study are written down and accompanied by a discussion or discussion based on relevant reference sources. It explains the similarities and differences between the research work carried out by the author and previous studies, both in terms of data, methods, or results. It is also explained related to the research achievements, what are the successes achieved according to the research objectives or failures encountered along with the causes. The author also explains about what work can still be done for further research. The writing of the results and discussion can be completed with tables or graphs that are used as references in writing in the format previously presented.
This section contains the conclusions obtained in accordance with the objectives of the research. In addition, researchers can also add limitations from the results of the study so that it can be used as a reference for future researchers. In addition, researchers can also provide suggestions as a follow-up that can be done from existing limitations.
In this section, the author can write a thank you to colleagues or agencies who have assisted in carrying out the research and have helped fund the research / publications of the author.
Bibliography is arranged according to APA (American Psychological Association).
[Journal Reference]
Author name. (Year). Article title. Journal name, Volume of Journal (Journal number), Pages.
[Magazine Reference]
Author name. (Year, Month, Date). Article title. Magazine name, Volume, Pages.
[Textbook Reference]
Author name. (Year). Book title. Publishing city: Publisher name.
[References from a Dictionary or Encyclopedia]
Editor name (Ed./Eds.). (Year). Dictionary title (Edition number, Volume number). Publishing city: Publisher name.
[Electronic Journal Reference]
Author name. (Year, Month, Date). Article title. Journal name, Volume of Journal, Pages. Retrieved …date of download…., from URL
[Electronic Book Reference]
Author name. (Year, Month, Date). Chapter title. In e-book title (chap. no.). Retrieved …date of download…., from URL