Halal Labels, Branding, and Price: Their Impact on Purchasing Decisions for Scarlett Products

Nur Dini Rifaiyah, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh


Viewed from the side of the Islamic religion, halal labeling proves that a product is declared fit for consumption or use. One of the beauty products that has become a top brand used by young people is Scarlett products. This product is considered to have a well-known brand and attractive product quality. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is influence or not on the halal labeling, brand, price and quality of scarlett products. This study used multiple linear regression analysis with the sampling technique using purposive sampling with the number of samples determined based on the Lemeshow formula. The results of this study indicate that partially (t test) shows a sig. halal labeling variable (0.005<0.005), price (0.001<0.005) and product quality (0.000<0.005) means that it has a significant influence on the purchasing decision of scarlett products. While the brand variable partially (t test) shows the sig. 0.197> 0.005 means that it has no significant effect on the decision to purchase Scarlett products. The variable halal labeling, brand, price and product quality simultaneously (f test) has a comparative value of f-table with f-count yielding (62.444 > 2.70) meaning that this f-test has a significant influence on the purchasing decision of scarlett products. Recommendations for further research, research can be carried out with a broader research object approach and more complex variables.


Brand; Halal Labeling; Price; Product Quality; Purchase Decision

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/herj.v1i2.28520


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Halal Centre

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