Instagram Sebagai Media Komunikasi Pemasaran Modern Pada Batik Tulis Khas Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan

Puguh Kurniawan, Muhammad Syarif, Evaliati Amaniyah


The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of Instagram as a medium for modern marketing communication on the Batik of Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan. This study uses qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Based on interviews with informants, the results of this study are the  seller batik in Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan began using Instagram as a media for promotion and sales. By using Instagram, sales increase compare to using only conventional sales methods, some of the benefits of using Instagram as a marketing medium are : (1) Instagram provides a caption function or Instagram information provides columns to fill in various information, such as age, location, hobbies, activities and other information that is really needed to determine market segmentation in marketing activities and also provide several other features such as hashtags, geotags, follow, comment, like, share and mention. (2) Communication is easier. Instagram provides communication functions, including message function, chat and others. (3) Feedback on the product such as criticism and suggestions can be delevery via Instagram directly without bothering the user. (4) Promotional budget is low and has a high impact. By using Instagram for promotion 100% free, so there are many savings that can be done by sellers in doing promotions.


instagram, modern marketing communication, the batik of Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan


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