Sharia Service Management of The Hospitality Industry in Indonesia (Dakwah Bil Hal Perspective)

Isma Jazilatur Rosidah, Fania Mutiara Savitri, Dedy Susanto, Lukmanul Hakim


This study aims to determine the potential of sharia hotel services and sharia service management of the hospitality industry in Indonesia in the perspective of dakwah bil hal. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative method of literature review approach. Data sources from scientific articles, as well as related regulatory policies. The articles reviewed were obtained from google scholar with the keyword sharia hotel service management with a total of 122 initial articles obtained then selected by applying accreditation criteria and years so that 23 articles were obtained. The results of this study indicate that the hotel industry has the potential to comply with sharia in terms of rules, amenity, technological innovation, prospects for the hospitality and tourism industry. Amenity fulfilment is fulfilled by worship equipment, easy reservation process, and rules related to sharia hotel operations. However, it was found that hotels have not implemented sharia financial systems and there is sharia labelling on hotels in Indonesia but not yet officially certified by MUI. Sharia service management began to be planned by complying with the DSN-MUI fatwa No. 108/2016 with muslim human resources, able to read the Qur'an, and understand the basic principles of Islam. In its implementation, it requires cooperation with the community, government and is supervised by the sharia supervisory board. The implementation of sharia service management in the hospitality industry is needed as a form of khidmad Islamic da'wah values through compliance with sharia rules.


Da'wah bil hal, Service Management, Sharia Hospitality.

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