Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing Dalam Pemasaran Produk Para Pelaku Umkm di Desa Mlajah Kab. Bangakalan


  • M. Boy Singgih Gitayuda Universitas Trunojoyo Madura



Digital Marketing; Marketing; Local Product; UMKM


Along with the development of the times, competition in today's business world is increasing. In this era filled with technology, the existence of digital marketing techniques or what is commonly referred to as Digital Marketing has increased and is starting to compete with the existence of traditional marketing techniques. Digital marketing is considered more effective because it can reach a wider market and allows anyone to access and obtain information and carry out the buying and selling process more easily. Sharing Session activities and digital marketing training in an effort to develop local products through social media networks aim to train business actors in Mlajah Village in maximizing the use of digital media, especially social media as product marketing media. The stages of this activity are the preparation stage and the training stage as well as the Sharing Session. The result of this activity is that business actors obtain information about the usefulness of various features in the WhatsApp Business application and other media to produce products in a more effective way and of course it will get a wider range of customers.




