Sosialisasi Digital Marketing dan Media Sosial Instagram Guna Memperluas Pangsa Pasar Paguyuban Batik Guyub Rukun Desa Canggu, Kecamatan Jetis, Kabupaten Mojokerto


  • Tito IM Rahman Hakim Universitas Trunojoyo Madura



Digital Marketing; Media Sosial; Pasar


Batik is a cultural heritage that is currently attached to the state of Indonesia. The early history of the emergence of batik is thought to have come from the Majapahit kingdom in Trowulan, Mojokokerto. At the beginning of its appearance, batik could only be used by the nobility or the kingdom. But along with the development of today's batik society can be used without exception. So do not be surprised if there are many craftsmen or the public who are now interested in producing batik. One of the places for batik production in Mojokerto is the Batik Association in Canggu Village, Jetis District, Mojokerto Regency. This association produces batik and makes batik one of the characteristics of their village by naming it Guyub Rukun batik, Canggu village. But it is very unfortunate that the potential for batik production has not been matched by maximum marketing. The marketing of the Guyub Harmoni batik community is only limited to word of mouth. Because the Guyub Harmoni batik community has more potential, its marketing must adopt technology. Digital marketing is one of the marketing techniques that keep up with the times. In the presentation of the material, it will be explained about digital marketing materials, special techniques in using digital marketing and the advantages of social media Instagram for marketing applications in digital media.




