Title describes the problems expressed which written shortly, concisely and clearly, not more than 12 words, by Capital Letters, Center Text, Cambria1, 12 size - font, Bold Letters.
Author’s name Writing:
Author written in 12 size font with bold letters. If author more than one person, writing author: 1Author name and 2 Co Author name
Affiliation and Email Address:
It written below author or author’s name by numbering in accordance with the number of each authors name :
1Affiliation Address of Author
2Affiliation Address of Co. Author(s)
1Affiliation Email Address of Author
2Affiliation Email Address of Co. Author(s)
Abstract should contain short description from the whole of articles subtance. It consist of background study, legal issues, the purposes of study, research method, result, and the conclusion. It is written in italic letter, 12 size font, Cambria type character, single spaced. The number words of abstract between 150 up to 250 words which written in one paragraph with column.
The keywords are written in italic letter, no more than 5 word which written in the tittle.
Type of Articles
The articles are full-length original scientific works that consist of the research article and the opinion or conceptual article.
- The Research Article (4000-7000 words, 1,5 line space) consists of:
a). Introduction, b). Method, c). Discussion d)., and d). Conclusions as body text, and e) Acknowledgement (if any), and References.
1. General Guidelines
1) Introduction: This page explains the background and purposes of the study. It is important to give a statement about its scientific novelty through previous literature review of several researchers or studies. In addition, the problems of law or legal issues related to the study are also important element of the article which should be stated clearly.
2) Method
The research article should include a methods section which consists of approach of method, research specifications, data collection technique, and analysis methods. While, the opinion or conceptual article writing of the approach of methods should be include in the end part of introduction.
3) Discussion: In this page describes exploring of literature review, scientific findings of the study, followed by scientific discussion which written clearly and concisely. It provides suggestions for future directions of research. The explanation of research article describes scientific finding, analytical and critical writing. Whilst, the opinion or conceptual article should use the term “discussion” in systematical as needed.
4) Conclusion
Conclusion contain what concluded in article and answer of article’s problems. The of conclusion depends on the problems and should be presented briefly which in accordance with the problems of article. Therefore, if needs an appropriate advice or recommendation to be used as a basis for the next research.
5) References
All of references cited in the article are also present in the references page and should be taken in footnotes. The main source of article references at least eighty percent of references should be scientific journals, which published in the last five (5) years which is each article contains at least ten references.
2. Manuscript Format Guidelines
The articles are written in English with 4000-7000 words for The Opinion or Conceptual Article and for The Research Article including figures and tables with 11 point-font, Cambria 1.5 line spaced. They should be printed suitable with this template in A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), the format of left margin 30 mm, right margin 30 mm, bottom margin 30 mm, and top margin 30 mm. New paragraph begin at 10 mm from left border, while there are no space between paragraphs. All numbers are written in Arabic numerals, except at the beginning of the sentence. Citation writing and reference style uses Chicago manual of Style 17th Edition (Fullnote).
1) Title: The title must shortly, concisely, clearly, not more than 14 words and show overview of the article. It is made in capital letters, center, times new roman, 12 point font of Cambria and bold. There is double line spacing throughout between the title and the author's name. The sub-title of the article is formatted as bold with Arabic numerals without underline on the sentence.
2) Author Name and Affiliation: Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author. The authors' affiliation and email addresses should be write below the names in single line spacing. The authors can be more than one name. They are written in a row and separated by comma. The first author (first name) should not be abbreviated if author’s name consists of two words. If the author's name only one word, in the online version (HTML) will be written in two words that contain the same name (repeatedly) for the purposes of indexing metadata (It is intended to make communication related to the article. Contact number and email address corresponding author written on the bottom, align left, on the first page of the article.
3) Abstract: It should contain a brief description of the whole of article. It consists of the introduction, legal issues, purposes of the study or research, the research methods and the results of the study or conclusions. Abstract should be written in Times New Roman, italics letters, 10 size font, and single spaced. Authors must provide an abstract between 150 up to 200 words, and it is made in one paragraph. The keywords are typed below the abstract, not more than five words and written in italic letter.
4) Tables and Figures: Every table and figure which included in the article should be typed the title and numbered with Arabic numerals. The title of a table is placed on the top of table, while the title of the figure is placed at the bottom of the figure. There is single spacing between the number and title with the table. The figures in the article should be printed clearly (font size, resolution and size of the line to be sure printed clearly). Figures and tables or diagrams should be placed in the text, or if their size are too large, they can be placed in the middle of the page. The tables should not contain vertical lines, while the horizontal lines are allowed in terms of importance only.
Table 1. The Title of Table
A Column Heading |
Column A (t) |
Column B (T) |
And an entry |
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And another entry |
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And another entry |
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5. References: Trunojoyo Law Review (TLR) uses Chicago manual of Style 17th Edition (Fullnote) to write references.