Legal Protection of Bhuju' Geger Religious Tourism in Bangkalan

Sumriyah Sumriyah, Hüseyin Elmhemit, Firda Puspitasari, Nabielatun Nisa, Laila Nur Jannah


Religious tourism is a form of tourism that is increasingly in demand in Indonesia, especially by the Muslim community. This research discusses the concept of spiritual tourism based on Law No. 10/2009 on Tourism, focusing on developing destinations such as Bhuju' Geger, Bangkalan. This development requires attention to various aspects, such as lodging, services, transportation, and accommodation, to create a safe and comfortable tourist experience. The research uses empirical juridical methods, focusing on the study of legal protection and management of religious tourism villages. The aim is to identify facts related to the development of local wisdom-based tourism, hoping to support the local community's economy and formulate regulations for security protection in the area. The results of this study are expected to guide the government in developing Bhuju' Geger religious tourism and providing recommendations to improve the safety and comfort of tourists.


Legal Protection; Religious Tourism; Bhuju’ Geger


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