Pengaruh Perbandingan Sosial terhadap Welas Diri pada Remaja Akhir yang Menjalani Gap Year

Metha Hilmiyana Putri, Nur Istiqomah


The gap year is uncommon in Indonesia, furthermore late adolescents are often perceived as having a low level of self-compassion and tend to compare themselves with others. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of social comparison on self-compassion in late adolescents undergoing a gap year. The research employed a quantitative method involving 349 late adolescents and utilized a non-probability sampling technique known as purposive sampling. This study utilized two research instruments: The Self-Comparison Scale, consisting of 25 items, and the Social Comparison Scale, consisting of 19 items. The results of the hypothesis test demonstrated that the F value was 136.421, with a p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05). The R square value was 0.282, and the standardized coefficient (β) was -0.531. As a result, the hypothesis was accepted, indicating that there is indeed an effect of social comparison on self-compassion in late adolescents undergoing a gap year. The contribution of social comparison to self-compassion was found to be 28.2%. The negative value of the standardization coefficient (β) suggests a negative correlation between social comparison and self-compassion. In simpler terms, lower levels of social comparison correspond to a higher level of self-compassion in individuals, and vice versa.


Perbandingan sosial; welas diri; gap year; Social comparison; self-compassion; gap year


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